1506 OIL |
This grade is used in applications where conventional vacuum pump oils cause safety, waste disposal and maintenance problems. It is nonflammable and eliminate the chance of fire in pumps. It is nonreactive and safe to use in oxygen systems. It has a viscosity of 15.5 cSt @ 50 degrees C. |
1506XP OIL |
A vacuum pump oil that contains a soluble additive to prevent rust. It has a viscosity of 15.5 cSt @ 50 degrees C. |
1514 OIL |
This grade is used in applications where conventional vacuum pump oils cause safety, waste disposal and maintenance problems. It is nonflammable and eliminate the chance of fire in pumps. It is nonreactive and safe to use in oxygen systems. It has a viscosity of 32 cSt @ 50 degrees C. |
1514XP OIL |
This grade is similary to the standard 1514 grade, however it includes a soluble additive to prevent rust. This grade is also used in applications where conventional vacuum pump oils cause safety, waste disposal and maintenance problems. It is nonflammable and eliminate the chance of fire in pumps. It is nonreactive and safe to use in oxygen systems. It has a viscosity of 32 cSt @ 50 degrees C. |
1525 OIL |
This gradeis used in applications where conventional vacuum pump oils cause safety, waste disposal and maintenance problems. It is nonflammable and eliminate the chance of fire in pumps. It is nonreactive and safe to use in oxygen systems. It has a viscosity of 52 cSt @ 50 degrees C. |
1525XP OIL |
A vacuum pump oil that contains a soluble additive to prevent rust. It has a viscosity of 52 cSt @ 50 degrees C. |
1531 OIL |
This grade is used in applications where conventional vacuum pump oils cause safety, waste disposal and maintenance problems. It is nonflammable and eliminate the chance of fire in pumps. It is nonreactive and safe to use in oxygen systems. It has a viscosity of 63 cSt @ 50 degrees C. |
1531XP OIL |
A vacuum pump oil that contains a soluble additive to prevent rust. It has a viscosity of 63 cSt @ 50 degrees C. |
16256 OIL |
This grade is used in applications where conventional vacuum pump oils cause safety, waste disposal and maintenance problems. It is nonflammable and eliminate the chance of fire in pumps. It is nonreactive and safe to use in oxygen systems. It has a viscosity of 437 cSt @ 50 degrees C. |
16350 OIL |
Specialized vacuum pump oil with a kinematic viscosity of 3500 at 20 degrees C and a pour point of -5 degrees C. |
1645 OIL |
Specialized vacuum pump oil with a kinematic viscosity of 450 at 20 degrees C and a pour point of -35 degrees C. |